Accessible Transport Service

DCIL provide the invaluable van service for our Leaders who do not have any other means of accessible transport. This service is hugely popular amongst our Leaders. The fully accessible van can be hired by individuals for routine journeys or on a one off basis. The van is available for journeys within Donegal County, dependent on viability and all Leaders will be picked up at an agreed suitable location. DCIL do not provide a driver so it is the responsibility of the leader (Service user) to have a driver over 26 year of age with a full clean driving licence. We charge just 0.35c per mile to cover diesel costs. The van is fully insured and well maintained. All insurance, motor tax and repairs are paid for by DCIL. If you are interested in booking the van please contact the office on 074 912 8945 or email for available dates and hours.

“A person’s quality of life is significantly affected by his or her ability to access the transport network to avail of a choice of modes of transport and to be able to travel easily and with confidence to a chosen destination.”

For those who can neither drive nor use public transport, it is very difficult to get out of the house to go any distance unless given a lift or taking a taxi. This makes it hard to conduct the normal business of life - going to work, shopping, visiting friends. People with disabilities and/or mobility issues find it extremely difficult to access, suitable, affordable transport to be able to assist them in independent living. Lack of access to transport severely restricts independence. Access to transport is a key to achieving social inclusion.

One piece of research found that over 40% of people with disabilities reported that they could not use public transport. Of these about 30% of disabled people who could not use public transport said it was because they could not get from their home to the bus stop or access point. Another 30% said it was because they could not physically get on to the bus or train. 25% of people with disabilities who responded to this survey reported having neither access to public transport nor regularly driving a car.

Transport is essential to enable people with disabilities engage in education and employment and to take a full part in social and community life outside the home.